Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Death of the Anonymous

Courts are deciding you don't have the right to remain anonymous online. In a recent New York case, one blogger was outed by Google after calling a model a "skank" and "ho." The blogger is now suing Google for $15 million.

Blogger...Google, yes that's right, it involved this website;! And I thought Google was on the side of the free man. It's scary to think what Google could do with all it's stored information if they are on the side of the law.

1 comment:

  1. This is very interesting! I didn't hear about this case until I read your post. The lesson I learned is: Do not forgo human decency and common sense with the assumption that you can hide behind anonymity. This still applies even in the internet age, "Do not say what you do not want to be repeated." (I need to remember that myself!)
